Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ten years of going Gorilla!

Today marks the tenth anniversary of Gorilla Logic. It was ten years ago that we embarked on building the world's greatest declarative programming platform.

And failed.

But we didn't call ourselves Gorilla Logic for nothin', and having run smack into a wall, we proceeded to bust right through it.

So as I gaze out the windows of our oh-so-hip offices in downtown Boulder Colorado, and think about the seventy-five gorillas we currently employ, the major customers who trust us to build the software on which they bet their businesses, the open source testing platform we've created that's taking the world by storm, our Development Center in India -- in short -- as I think about all we've achieved in the wake of that earlier train wreck, I can't help but beat my chest, let forth a Tarzanesque scream, and eat a couple of bananas.

The bananas actually help with digestion. After all, I'm ten years older now too. 

And totally psyched.


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